Message from the Chairman

Throughout 2023, the world has continued to face the challenges of both domestic and international economic changes. Conflicts between superpowers affect supply chains. Many banks around the world are coping with interest rate hikes to reduce the high level of inflation. Regarding Thailand’s internal conditions, the spread of COVID-19 is improving. Things are starting to return to normal, and Thailand’s tourism sector has obviously recovered. However, the situation has accelerated disruption in all dimensions, and many changes are happening rapidly. The transformation of technological innovation and the modern digital society brings with it the challenge of adapting to the ever-changing and developing the potential of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited Group that is currently in the world of VUCA World. The Company prioritizes measures to prevent and respond to emergency situations, including short-term and long-term emerging risks, so that all activities of the organization can continue and remain stable.

Due to the determined operation in the midst of the crisis, the Company’s net profit increased by 40 million baht in 2023, representing 3% of total revenue, which was a very challenging year. The Company adapts to the pandemic crisis and economic conditions in every wave, including focusing on the implementation of strategic directions to create business results according to the vision to achieve goals by providing customers with the best IT solutions to maintain the growth of the business continuously. Not only does it emphasize business strategy, but the Company also strives to develop and strengthen human resources fundamentals, which is an important factor in the future development of IT businesses, along with emphasis on good corporate governance, ethical business conduct, and responsible participation in society, communities, stakeholders, and all related parties. The Company has planned systematic activities based on ESG principles in three dimensions: the environment, society, and governance. The Company focuses on preserving the environment and managing resources for maximum benefit. For the social aspect, the Company focuses on human rights, safety and health standards of employees, as well as relations with the community. In the meantime, the Company has transparent corporate governance, mechanisms for checking and balancing, risk management, and strict implementation of rules and regulations. As a result of these actions, in 2023, the Company was selected by the Stock Exchange of Thailand to be listed in SET ESG Ratings annually for the past four years.

Lastly, on behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to thank all stakeholders for supporting the Company’s business operations, shareholders, partners, customers, as well as all executives and employees for their dedication, enabling us to face every crisis with strength. We would like to assure you that the Company is committed to the continuous and sustainable development of the organization by operating the business in combination with the sustainability strategy as part of the business operations under the code of ethics and good corporate governance guidelines.

Sunpitt Sethpornpong
Chairman of the Board of Directors